
Justin Forman Promoted to Vice President of Sales & Strategic Partnerships

Jim Collins, author of the wildly popular book Good to Great, says that greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice, and discipline.

This quote reminds me a lot about Justin Forman. Recently our entire Bluefish team paused from work for a few minutes to hear a special announcement from our President, Marty Mosley. Marty announced that Justin had been promoted from Director of Sales and Marketing to Vice President of Sales & Strategic Partnerships for Bluefish TV.

In the past two years, we’ve experienced tremendous growth within our company. In addition to our product team launching several new product lines, Justin and his team have expanded our sales substantially. But this didn’t happen by chance. Justin really applies the truth that greatness is a matter of intentionality and discipline. Not to mention the fact that he loves building teams.

Justin also enjoys focusing his energy towards igniting this generation of 20 and 30-somethings to get involved in the idea of using their passions for business in ministry through starting the Business as Mission Network.

As VP of Sales & Strategic Partnerships, Justin will work closely with Brian Mosley, our EVP of Product Development, in leading us into new partnerships with ministries and mission’s organizations nationwide. He’ll also lead the sales team in ministering to the 93,000 churches we work with.

Congratulations, Justin on becoming VP of Sales & Strategic Partnerships!

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