
LeadNow 2008

I'm getting really excited about our LeadNow and Fusion events coming up in November here in Dallas. It will be here before we know it! On Monday, we mailed out 5,000 DVD packets and 5,000 postcards to church leaders around the country spreading the news about how they can be involved in LeadNow.

This year is different than any other year because we're giving leaders the opportunity to host a simulcast at their church or attend a simulcast at a location close to them.
These events are for you as a leader of twenties and thirties and if you are in your twenties and thirties. I can't think of a better place to grow in my relationship with God and others- learning under great leaders like Erwin McManus, Matt Chandler, Margaret Feinberg, Francis Chan, and my very own pastor, Todd Wagner.
Be a part of the passion and excitement and visit Rightnow.org for more information about LeadNow and Fusion 2008. Drop us a comment and let us know if you're planning on attending here in Dallas or at a simulcast location.

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