
Bluefish Bytes: Paul in Rome

David Nasser says in the Paul in Rome series:

Just as in any other church building of any denomination it [the Holy Staircase] has also sadly been a place where people have come and have on bended knee thought: Maybe I can get the favor of God if I pray really long and really hard… if I cry enough tears on these staircases I can earn the love of God.

I know I’ve been caught up into thinking I must earn God’s favor and love. But the reality is that God’s love for me isn’t based on anything I could do. My righteousness is as filthy rags, and even my very best still isn’t good enough.

I’ve missed the mark and missed His standard of perfection. That is why Christ had to be the One to take care of what I could not. He who knew no sin became sin for my righteousness. And my salvation is by grace through faith, so that I can’t boast.

This truth is incredible and should cause my heart to overflow with joy and gratitude every day. This truth is so radical and freeing that it should cause every person to want to follow after a Savior who has taken care of such a debt… because He loves us.

Do you ever feel you have to keep earning His love even though you know God’s grace covers you? Why is it so hard to allow His unconditional love to really saturate our lives?

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