
Our Best Mother’s Day Video Illustration

Dads, have you ever wondered what would happen if your wife stopped being Mom for a day? We’ve illustrated what that might look like if she did. Check out our popular Mother’s Day Off video illustration. Use this illustration on Mother’s Day to show how much you appreciate the mother’s in your service.

Our newest release, Mom’s Little Helper reveals an adorable little girl helping out and washing the dishes for her mom. You’ll have to watch the clip closely though to see what else ends up being washed.

Our Mother’s Day video illustrations will make you laugh and so will our Father’s Day illustrations. Viewed by over 300,000 people, our Mandles video illustration is a perfect gift to lighten up your service on Father’s Day. Mandles even has a website you can add to your blog or website as a link for others to watch the illustration. Check it out at buymandles.com.

For both Mother and Father’s Day video illustrations, loops and countdowns for your worship service are available.

Enjoy exploring our growing collection of 650 video illustrations at Bluefishtv.com.

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