
New Small Group Study: The Life of Noah with Chris Seay

Our team is thrilled to announce the release of a new Small Group Study - The Life of Noah with Chris Seay.

The Life of Noah is a 4-part video-driven Bible study that communicates the well-known children’s story of Noah and the ark to a 21st century audience with teaching by Chris Seay. Pastor of Ecclesia Church in Houston, Texas and author of seven books including The Gospel According to Tony Soprano, The Gospel Reloaded and The Last Eyewitness, Chris expounds on this exciting story of Noah’s faith-stretching endeavor to build an ark when the odds seemed against him.

With powerful lessons, dramatic clips and excellent teaching, Chris uncovers the prominent themes of Noah’s challenge to stand up for God in a world full of sin and trust God with the task of building the ark no matter how impossible it seemed. Present-day hurricanes and tsunamis provide a modern-day glimpse into the despair caused by the flood, yet God in His faithfulness rescues us from the storms of life.

Purchase the Noah Small Group Study Today for $29.99

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